Guido Corbella
Guido Corbella于1943年7月6日出生于Rivolta d’Adda,在米兰州立大学获得法律专业的学位。
1975年,Guido Corbella担任意大利印刷、造纸及纸品加工机械制造商协会(ACIMGA)的主席。
1980年,Guido Corbella担任CENTREXPO公司的首席执行官。该公司是一家商业展览服务公司,自2000年起,其全面负责ACIMAGE的展览。
2000年, Guido Corbella被任命为包装领域的商业展览公司——IPACK-IMA的首席执行官。
2000年5月至2002年,Guido Corbella担任欧洲印刷和纸品加工机械制造商协会(Eumaprint)的秘书长。
2002年11月至2004年11月,Guido Corbella担任欧洲包装机械协会(Europama)的秘书长。
2005年,Guido Corbella接受莫斯科国立印刷大学的邀请,成为该学院的名誉教员。
现在,Guido Corbella职务是ACIMGA的秘书长和CENTREXPO和IPACK-IMA的首席执行官。
Dr. Guido Corbella
ACIMGA – Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industry
Guido Corbella was born in Rivolta d’Adda, Italy on July 6th, 1943 and received his Academic degree in Law at the Milan State University.
He started his business career as Personnel Manager at Singer Business Machines, a well known computer and typewriter company.
In 1975, Guido Corbella became President of ACIMGA, the Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting, and Paper Industry.
In 1984, he was nominated President of UCIMA, the Italian Automatic Packing and Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association, a position held until December 2006.
In 1980, he became CEO of CENTREXPO, a company organizing and managing trade exhibitions, which, since 2000, has been completely focused on ACIMGA interests.
In 2000, Guido Corbella was appointed the CEO of IPACK-IMA, a company organizing and managing trade exhibitions in the packaging and processing sector.
On July 1992, Guido Corbella was nominated President of the Italian Packaging Institute, a position held until June 1998.
In May 2000, he was nominated Secretary General of Eumaprint -European Committee of Printing and Paper Converting Machinery Manufacturers, a position held until 2002.
In November 2002, he was nominated Secretary General of Europama - European Packaging Machinery Association, a position held until November2004.
In 2005, he received the official investitures as Honorary Professor by the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication (BIGC).
In the same year, Guido Corbella also received the official investiture as Honorary Member of the Staff of Moscow State University of Printing Art.
At present, his position is Secretary General of ACIMGA and CEO of CENTREXPO and IPACK-IMA