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Subhash Chander

时间:2009-05-20 来源:必胜网

摘  要:
     Subhash Chander  总裁  全印度印刷商联合会   Subhash Chander先生是全印度印刷商联合会(AIFMP)总裁。全印度印刷商联合会是印度全国十五万印刷商的最高机构,印度印刷行业有150万人直接从业 ...


  Subhash Chander

  Subhash Chander先生是全印度印刷商联合会(AIFMP)总裁。全印度印刷商联合会是印度全国十五万印刷商的最高机构,印度印刷行业有150万人直接从业者及100万间接从业者。该联合会成立于1953年,印度全国的55个地区性协会为其会员。

  Subhash Chander先生于1987年至1989年,1992年至1994年期间,四次担任全印度印刷商联合会最大的会员组织——德里印刷协会的主席要职。他是一个积极、主动的人,总是活跃在各种促进印刷工业发展的活动最前线。

  在“为印度印刷业者服务”的唯一目标下,全印度印刷商联合会组织了很多地区性、全国性及国际性的活动,并积极参与到各个国际性印刷及相关设施的展会当中。除此之外,该协会还每两年于印度不同地区召开全印度印刷业者会议,举办印刷及相关设备展会(PAMEX),设立全国印刷精品大奖,以及组织召开各种研究会和会议。2010年印度印刷机及相关设备展会(PAMEX-2010)将于2010年1月19日至22日于印度新德里Pragati Maidan展览中心举办。这些活动不但为印度印刷业者提供相互交流的机会,也使得他们能够充分掌握国内、国际印刷工业的最新技术发展。

  通过南亚区域合作联盟(SAARC)范围内的南亚印刷大会(SAPC),Subhash Chander先生一直致力于促进南亚印刷业者的合作事业当中。全印度印刷商联合会也是世界印刷大会的成员之一。


  Subhash Chander领导着唯一得到印度官方认可的印刷业联合会——全印度印刷商联合会。

  Subhash Chander
  All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP)

  Mr Subhash Chander is the President of All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP). It is the apex body of more than 1.5 lakhs printers in the country employing around 15 lakh persons directly and 10 lakh indirectly. AIFMP was established in the year 1953. It draws its strength from 55 regional associations spread all over the country, which are affiliated to it.

  Mr. Subahsh Chander held the post of President of Delhi Printers’ Association, which is the largest affiliate of AIFMP, for four terms (1987-89 and 1992-1994). A man of drive and initiative, he has always been in the forefront of various activities connected with the development of the Printing industry and welfare of the printing fraternity.

  The Federation organises a number of regional, national and international events from time to time with the sole aim of benefiting of the Indian printers. It has actively participated in all the international exhibitions of printing and allied machinery. The Federation has also been organising All India Printers Conferences every two years by rotation in different parts of the country, Printing and Allied Machinery Exhibitions (PAMEX), National Awards for Excellence in Printing as well as various Seminars and Conferences. The PAMEX-2010 (Printing and Allied Exhibition) is going to be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from January 19-22, 2010. These events, besides giving the opportunity to the printers to interact with each other, also help them at national and international levels to keep them well informed about the latest technological developments in the graphic arts and print industry.

  Mr Subhash Chander has been at the forefront of initiating significant cooperation among the South Asian printers through South Asia Print Congress (SAPC) of SAARC countries. The Federation is also a member of the World Print Congress.

  To facilitate greater regional and global cooperation among allied bodies, AIFMP has signed a number of agreements with various associations from different countries - Sri Lanka Association of Printers, NPES (USA), Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery for Graphics (ACIMGA), Printing and Printing Equipments Industries Association of China (PEIAC) and Mexican Chamber of Graphic Arts (CANAGRAF). The Federation is also a member of the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

  Mr. Subhash Chander heads All India Federation of Master Printers which is the only Federation of printers recognised by Government of India.

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