艾司科Neo是一个独立的本地PDF 1.7浏览器和编辑器,它能为用户提供访问和编辑多页PDF文件所需的各种生产工具。在一个直观的界面里,PDF文件中的每一个元素,其中包括文字、图像和其他图形对象等,都可以通过Neo进行定位和修改。用户还能用这款软件增加分色,编辑文字和回流段落以及转换目标和图像内容。此外,Neo还具备一个可选的互动式陷印功能。
Imagine the plates are ready, the press is set to go, and at the last moment an error shows up, a typo in the customer’s name, a wrong telephone number, or perhaps the wrong image has been used. At moments like this it is critical to be able to correct the problem on the spot and get the press going. As PDF has become the preferred format for document exchange, and native documents are often not available, there is only one solution, to edit the PDF file as quickly as possible.
With the native PDF application Neo , a highly productive editor is available that gives the operator efficiency and productivity for editing and correction of multipage PDF files in commercial printing environments. Any user dealing with PDF will see Neo as a formidable asset in drastically reducing the approval and correction cycles that are unavoidable in today’s demanding prepress environments.