Heidelberg rates Print China alongside drupa
2011-04-21 10:13  ???:2201

  Bernhard Schreier, CEO Heidelberg , presenting Print Academy programme certificates at the show, says that alongside drupa, Print China has become the most important trade show for the companyHeidelberg.

  Heidelberg says that, with close to 50,000 visitors, and 45000 customer enquiries, the Print China exhibition held in Dongguan last week underlines the importance of China to the printing industry.

  Bernhard Schreier, chief executive officer Heidelberg, says, “The Print China trade show was very well attended, and our customers showed great interest in our new products and services. Alongside drupa in Düsseldorf, Print China has become the most important trade show for us worldwide. It offers us the opportunity to further extend our market leadership in China.”

  China has become the largest single market for Heidelberg. Customers placed orders for more than 200 printing units, including 40 Speedmaster CX 102 presses,

  Further orders were concluded across all format classes, including one for a Speedmaster XL 162 large-format press, and several for several CtP platesetters and postpress devices.

  Lian Seng, CEO of Heidelberg China, says, “It was a very successful show. The results exceeded our expectations, which demonstrates the customers’ faith in the print media industry. Once again Heidelberg has clearly demonstrated its leadership in the industry. Also, our brand image has further strengthened”, says Chua. The products and services for small and medium-sized print shops with the standard presses manufactured locally in Qingpu also proved very popular with customers.”

  Heidelberg demonstrated packaging production, differentiation through creative print applications, short-run colour printing and green printing workflow integration, the Saphira range of consumables, and a wide variety of training and consultancy services rounded off the portfolio. It adds that more than 1000 visitors experienced the demonstration of the new business model Web-to-Print.

  The opening day of Print China saw the first group of young printers, who had taken part in the certification programme of the Print Media Academy in Shenzen, presented with their certificates. A total of 35 printers passed the test on a Speedmaster CD 102. Initiated in 2010, the training and certification programme gives talented young individuals from the print media industry the opportunity to receive top-class training and receives support from the Chinese government and China's print media industry. The Print Media Academy in China plans to introduce further training programmes catering to the Chinese printing market.