Greenpeace stages APP protest in Sydney
2011-04-11 10:42  ???:1890

  Greenpeace activists dressed as orang-utans surprised Asia Pulp and Paper staff at the Sydney office of the company’s Australian affiliate Solaris, in the latest protest in its ill-judged campaign against the paper giant.

  Greenpeace has been attacking APP for several years now, for what it perceives as the company’s environmental shortfalls, however most of Greenpeace’s accusations fly in the face of the facts, and of APP's external environmental accreditation by various agencies.

  With typical extreme hyperbole Reece Turner, Forests Campaigner at Greenpeace, says, "APP, and its affiliate in Australia, Solaris are not only forest destroyers, they’re also brand destroyers. With a track record of greed and greenwash and a long list of abandoned contracts, Australian companies would be wise to buy their pulp and paper products elsewhere.

  Solaris is a major supplier of toilet tissue, however most Australian fine paper merchants supply APP product under various brand names to the nation's commercial printers.

  This is not the first time Greenpeace has made an unwelcomed appearance on APP behalf with activists crashing last year’s International Pulp and Paper Awards in Brussels, to present the paper producer with the satirical Golden Chainsaw award.

  Last year APP hit back at environmentalists by releasing a report – Getting the facts down on paper – which outlined APP Indonesia’s commitment to sustainability. According to APP, the report contains numerous facts that demonstrate the paper producer has been fulfilling its obligations to operate in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way.