2007-04-04 15:05  ???:171



  印刷开版软件 纸张成本是印刷企业的最主要成本项目之一,如何开版、如何提高纸张利用率关系着企业是否能获得订单、控制生产成本的生存大计。本款软件是专为从事印刷业务、生产安排及广告设计和印刷制版人士开发的一个用纸开版的实用工具软件。该软件实现了在多种因素、多种尺寸下,方便、快速、准确地得出最理想的纸张开版方案的愿望。使用本软件进行印刷业务接洽时能快速得到最低的用纸成本,进行版式设计时能快速得到最佳的版式图,进行生产纸料安排时能快速得到最省纸的开版方式。

  科算印刷报价软件 印刷行业的一大特点就是每天会面对无数的询价需求,而计价工作繁琐费时、专业性要求高,若报价偏高则失去订单,偏低则亏本,报价迟缓则毫无机会,报价管理一向是印刷企业最为头痛的工作之一。本款软件适用于所有涉及印刷品报价业务的企业和个人。用户可以同时方便、快速、准确地一次性得出多个产品数量成本价、利润价,准确把握盈亏线;同时还可进行明细核价,对价格构成进行分析。借助该软件,可将企业的经营者从日复一日繁琐的报价、核价事务中解放出来,提高工作效率、避免失误。

  科印ERP管理系统 以CRM、JIT、零库存、ISO9000、成本中心等先进的企管理念为基础,结合印刷企业的自身特点,为我国印刷企业的信息化管理提供了一套全面解决方案。整个系统分为三条主线,即:以生产管理系统为核心的“生产信息流”、以库存管理系统为核心的“物资信息流”、以成本控制系统为核心的“资金信息流”。各子系统既能独立运行,又能组成一个大系统协同运行,各子系统之间数据高度共享。

  ShenZhen Conet computer technology Co.,LTD setup by senior printing public figure Mr. Ling Changming in 1999, was one of the earlest engaged platoon guides which studies the printing enterprise information management and promotion in China. The company aims at promoting the communization of the Chinese Printing Enterprise information management and gathers the information technology experts and experts of management. The information technology and the modern business management have been combined perfectly, which has promoted a series of outstanding software products and specialized managing consultants to serve. Our products have been regarded as the revolutionary breakthrough in the Chinese printing field and information domain. Till now, our company has gathered the largest amount of users in this area.

  Products Introduction

  Conet Format Planning software Cost of paper is one of the most important element in printing enterprise. How to operate the version and how to make most of the paper determines whether the enterprise can gain the customers and control the production cost. This software is a practical tool for the printing service, the production arrangement, the advertisement design and the printing making lithograph plates public figure to operate the version with the paper. This software has realized the goal of obtaining the most ideal arrangement of paper under different situation and can serve for different sizes of paper, accurately, conveniently and fast. With this software, the printing service consults can get the lowest cost quickly when discussing the business, obtain the best result fast when designing the format, and obtain the most economic plan of using paper when arranging the materials.

  Conet Quoting System for Printing Enterprises The most professional characteristic of the field of printing is to face the countless inquiry every day, and the work is tedious and time-consuming. The company may miss the order if the quote is too high, however, when the price goes too low, your company will lose the profit. There will be no opportunity if you give the quote too late. The quotes management has always been the hardest part in a printing company. This software is suitable for all enterprises and individuals that involve in quoting service. Users can get the ex-prices and the profit of several products simultaneously with convenience, efficiency and accuracy, so that you can know clearly about the profit and loss line. At the same time, you can carry on investigations and check the details of the quotes. Therefore, you can easily do the analysis of the price. With the aid of this software, the operator can be liberating from boredness of the complicated quoting and rechecking job day after day, which enhance the working efficiency and avoid mistakes.

  Conet ERP System Taking the characteristics of printing company, we have provided a all-round and comprehensive set of plans of the information management for the enterprises in our country, based on the managing principles of CRM, JIT, the zero stock, ISO9000, the cost-oriented and etc. The overall system divides into three main branches, namely, the “production information flow” whose core is the production management system, take stock management system as core, the “commodity information flow” which takes take stock management system as its core and “fund information flow” with cost control system as its core. Each branch can both operate independently and work co-operately as a large-scale system and each can completely share the data between.

  深圳总公司 0755-83631218
      RM503,FuTian Hi-Tech Centre Building,NO.1,SongLing Road,FuTian District,ShenZhen City,China
  客服QQ: 419782088  客服MSN: printERP@hotmail.com
