InfoTrends Releases Emerging Markets Study on Consumer Imaging in China, Brazil, Mexico, and India
2011-03-29 13:35  ???:1935

  According to a recent multi-client study from InfoTrends, the emerging markets of China, Brazil, Mexico, and India represent some of the most photo-active populations in the world and offer promising opportunities for the digital imaging market. InfoTrends gained insights into these markets from a combination of online and face-to-face surveys of approximately 500 consumers in each country.

  “More photos captured means more opportunities to monetize them; through sharing, storage, printing or the creation of personalized photo products,” states Ed Lee, a Group Director at InfoTrends.

  InfoTrends found that while these markets are still in the early stages of adoption of digital photography, there are significant, though different, opportunities for digital imaging vendors in each. Chinese digital camera users, for example, take more than 2.5 times more digital camera photos than U.S. consumers and nearly 3 times as many camera phone photos. At the same time, unlike other countries, printing among mobile phone users in Brazil is nearly as common as among digital camera users.

  Two thirds of digital camera users in India say that they would use their mobile phone as their primary camera if it took better pictures. Improved resolution and zoom lens capabilities were also cited as necessary improvements by more than half of respondents, but nearly as many say that they would be more likely to use their mobile phone if it was easier to send photos by e-mail. Offerings for printing photos captured by mobile phones will need to increase to ensure that all types of photographers have viable solutions for their output needs.

  In China, there is a significant opportunity in photo printing, due to the large number of photos that are captured. Since Chinese consumers still rely primarily on retail photofinishing, retailers there should continue to develop easy in-store solutions that allow people to print digital photos, regardless of whether they own a personal computer or not.

  Mexicans that use digital cameras and mobile phones also tend to do a lot with their photos, such as sharing online and creating photo merchandise. Photo books, photo cards, and enlargements/posters are the most popular items made. The self-serve photo kiosk is the most popular location for ordering photo merchandise items as well as prints in Mexico.