Local printers should not fear Print in Australia campaign
2010-09-10 13:55  ???:1323

  Australian companies with offshore operations have nothing to fear from Printing Industries Print in Australia campaign.

  The campaign which is in the early stages of development is not intended to name and shame Australian printing companies; the primary target of the campaign is printing industry clients who bypass Australian printing companies in favour of offshore print providers.

  Printing Industries CEO Philip Andersen said the campaign is being designed to identify entities in government and corporate Australia that place print work offshore and to educate them about the capabilities of the local printing industry and the importance of giving local industry an opportunity to bid for the work.

  “Printing Industries acknowledges that we operate in a global environment and that not all printing that is commissioned in Australia will be done onshore. Some will inevitably be done offshore for a host of reasons,” he said.

  “Indeed Printing Industries recognises and has promoted the value of business models where local printers developed relationships with offshore companies to better compete in the global environment.

  “Our China in focus initiative was developed with the specific aim of assisting Australian printers form strategic alliances with their Asian counterparts. Thus, if in certain circumstances the printing or some elements of print production process had to be done offshore, then they could at least secure a portion of the overall revenue stream.”

  Mr Andersen said another core component of the Print in Australia campaign would be to ensure that tender documents do not suggest or stipulate where the printing should be sourced from.

  “Printing Industries believes that it is the prerogative of the tenderer to determine how they can best submit the most competitive tender. How or where the production is done should not be a tender requirement,” he said.