Survey Conducted by FESPA Predicts Future of Digital Printers
2010-08-26 09:12  ???:1776

  The Federation of Screen and Digital Printers Associations (FESPA) recently completed a survey and showcased that among 50 countries, the sales revenue of digital printers in the 340 printing companies reached nearly 23 billion Euros, accounting for 39% of the entirety of their 58 billion Euros of whole sale revenue. The survey also demonstrated that the sales revenue of digital printers will be raised in the future and will reach about 50% of the whole sales revenue in two years, an 11% increase.

  It is reported that of the companies participating in the survey, 50% of the respondents said they would purchase new digital printers in one year. The main purpose of the purchase is to update their equipment and improve the function of the printers. 40% of the respondents expressed that they planned to purchase UV curable inkjet printers. 84% of the respondents indicated that the printing quality is the main factor considered when they select a digital printer. After that, the reliability, operating cost, printing speed and range of printing applications are other factors in selecting digital printers.

  The survey also showed that 14% of the respondents said that they have already seen signs of recovery in the printing industry, while 26% of the respondents believe that improvement will be seen in early 2010. Only 12% of the respondents believe that the market will continue its downturn until 2011.