Hubei Printing Industry Sustains Healthy Development
2010-08-26 09:11  ???:1809

  According to the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Press and Publications, in the first half of this year, government and association printing departments in Hubei were actively supportive of the local printing industry.  The industry devised 18 projects, totaling an investment of RMB 1.3 billion (USD 191 million). At present, 13 projects have either commenced operations or are under development.

  Of the RMB 1.3 billion (USD 191 million) investment that has been pledged, RMB 334.9 million (USD 49 million) will come from foreign capital and RMB 970.6 million (USD 142 million) from domestic capital. Currently, RMB 183.2 million (USD 26.8 million) of the foreign capital promised, and RMB 170.8 million (USD 25 million) of domestic capital, has been contributed.

  As of 2008 there are 6,074 printing companies in Hubei:

  309 are publication printing companies
 ã€€ã€€422 are packaging and decoration printing companies
  1,649 print other products
 ã€€ã€€81 companies focus on typesetting, plate-making and binding
  3 companies are digital printers
  3,610 are typing and copying companies

  Today, the industry sustains nearly 100,000 jobs - 20,000 more than it did in 2007.  The total output value of Hubei’s printing industry was RMB 1.3 billion (USD 191 million) in 2008 - RMB 246.1 million (USD 36 million) more than in 2007.