Printing Industries launch network for young players in print
2010-07-12 10:24  ???:1487

  A new service matching students and graduates to the needs of printing industry companies has been launched by Printing Industries. The education to employment network or provides a direct link for employers to find the right kind of trainee, apprentice or graduate to meet the company’s specific needs.

  Philip Andersen CEO of Printing Industries, says the service is free to the Association’s members and can be accessed via the Association’s website. He says, “The service is operated by private Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and State Government TAFE institutions.

  “Members receive a website login and can create a company profile and detail their employment opportunities and requirements. A separate website interface is provided to students and marketed via the various institutions and social media such as Twitter.

  Employers can then view the course information, interests and skills of potential candidates.

  Andersen continues that has made is much easier for employers to engage with young people and to access the skills and talents needed to manage and grow their businesses.

  He says, “With our members have a direct link to the educational institutions and in turn the institutions have direct links to companies with specific skill and interest needs making the matching process considerably quicker and more effective.”

  Printing Industries outlines that the network can also be used to advertise, internships, apprenticeships or traineeships, part-time, full-time and casual positions. Printing Industries members are currently being advised of their login details to access the service.