Indonesian newspaper publishing digital issues on iPad
2010-07-12 10:22  ???:1476

  Kompas, the largest daily newspaper in Indonesia, using WoodWing´s Digital Magazine Tools has become the first daily newspaper in Asia to publish digital issues on the iPad.

  Rikard Bagun, editor in chief at Kompas says, “At Kompas, we always aim to offer our audience the most compelling reader experience and to provide them with the latest news wherever they are and whatever device they use. It was a logical step for us to support the iPad.”

  The Kompas iPad App is produced by six employees working parallel with print production. The team aims to output the App at 2am local time every day, enabling users around the world to read the latest Kompas iPad issue in a timely manner.

  Kompas was founded in 1965. Published every day, the newspaper reaches more than 2 million readers per day. Its Web site has a total readership of 15 million visitors per month and is one of the largest news portals in Indonesia.

  Remco Koster, managing director of WoodWing Asia Pacific says, “We are very happy to enable Kompas to be the first Asian daily newspaper available for the iPad.

  "The iPad initially focused on the magazine segment, but now we see that daily newspapers can also capitalize on the iPad to broaden their daily audience, and to develop new revenue sources.”