Remote Proofing Technology: Turning Days Into Minutes
2003-11-17 12:12  ???:1585
  The Internet has changed lives the world over for a myriad of reasons C a faster way to communicate with family and friends, an easier way to shop, a wonderful research tool, another avenue for entertainment. However, the one common thread has been how the World Wide Web has shrunk the globe for all of us. For those that are using the Net in the business world this has been especially true.

  While communication with text has always been a specialty of the Net, visually communicating with images lagged behind a bit. There were compatibility problems, file size issues and quite simply a general lack of the tools needed to really accomplish anything of note with images online.

  That was then. Today viewing and communicating effectively with images online has reached new heights. Software manufacturers have responded to this need with some fascinating programs that have made the process seamless.

  For folks in the business of proofing images this has, quite literally, meant the world. What used to take days sending images back and forth between locations separated by oceans, can now be done in less than one day.

  Remote proofing technology has dramatically reduced the cost and time required for conventional proofing by enabling all workflow partners to collaborate securely, in real time, on original, full-resolution production images. Unique image-streaming technology enables gigabytes of high-resolution files to be viewed, even over dial-up connections, in seconds.

  For California-based Bonus Arts, a photo studio specializing in automotive ads and brochure work, this technology has turned their business, dare we say it, into a well-oiled proofing machine.

  Speed has always been a factor in the automotive industry but today Bonus Arts proofing methods have gone from 0 to 60 faster than any automobile could dream of.

  For Bonus Arts’ Charlie Haygood, the owner and artist who has applied his craft for over ten years retouching images for Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Subaru and more, speed means putting the image revision process in fast forward. “Today, as retouchers, we need to be able to collaborate with an agency across town, or a photographer across the country,” says Haygood.

  Literally in Real Time

  The company is using RealTimeImage’s RealTimeProof-based technology and is finding that their clients are taking to it like a horse to water.

  “No matter where my clients are, if they have access to the Internet, we can easily collaborate. We’ve even worked successfully with clients on location in Europe. Since the system we are using uses a regular Web browser our clients aren’t intimidated by it. It’s as easy as checking e-mail. And it’s flexible. They can choose to simply view the image, or take advantage of the toolset to annotate, color check, or even download the high-resolution file,” Haygood explained.

  Solutions such as this are removing geographical barriers and time zones and allowing organizations such as Bonus Arts a more global reach. “I’ve worked with photographers who, while at a shoot in Europe, viewed high-resolution images from their hotel rooms on location. Traditionally we would have had to output a proof and overnight to their location, but now they can view any revision, at any place and at any time,” Haygood added. D

  The Internet has changed lives the world over for a myriad of reasons C a faster way to communicate with family and friends, an easier way to shop, a wonderful research tool, another avenue for entertainment. However, the one common thread has been how the World Wide Web has shrunk the globe for all of us. For those that are using the Net in the business world this has been especially true.

  While communication with text has always been a specialty of the Net, visually communicating with images lagged behind a bit. There were compatibility problems, file size issues and quite simply a general lack of the tools needed to really accomplish anything of note with images online.

  That was then. Today viewing and communicating effectively with images online has reached new heights. Software manufacturers have responded to this need with some fascinating programs that have made the process seamless.

  For folks in the business of proofing images this has, quite literally, meant the world. What used to take days sending images back and forth between locations separated by oceans, can now be done in less than one day.

  Remote proofing technology has dramatically reduced the cost and time required for conventional proofing by enabling all workflow partners to collaborate securely, in real time, on original, full-resolution production images. Unique image-streaming technology enables gigabytes of high-resolution files to be viewed, even over dial-up connections, in seconds.

  For California-based Bonus Arts, a photo studio specializing in automotive ads and brochure work, this technology has turned their business, dare we say it, into a well-oiled proofing machine.

  Speed has always been a factor in the automotive industry but today Bonus Arts proofing methods have gone from 0 to 60 faster than any automobile could dream of.

  For Bonus Arts’ Charlie Haygood, the owner and artist who has applied his craft for over ten years retouching images for Acura, Lexus, Toyota, Subaru and more, speed means putting the image revision process in fast forward. “Today, as retouchers, we need to be able to collaborate with an agency across town, or a photographer across the country,” says Haygood.

  Literally in Real Time

  The company is using RealTimeImage’s RealTimeProof-based technology and is finding that their clients are taking to it like a horse to water.

  “No matter where my clients are, if they have access to the Internet, we can easily collaborate. We’ve even worked successfully with clients on location in Europe. Since the system we are using uses a regular Web browser our clients aren’t intimidated by it. It’s as easy as checking e-mail. And it’s flexible. They can choose to simply view the image, or take advantage of the toolset to annotate, color check, or even download the high-resolution file,” Haygood explained.

  Solutions such as this are removing geographical barriers and time zones and allowing organizations such as Bonus Arts a more global reach. “I’ve worked with photographers who, while at a shoot in Europe, viewed high-resolution images from their hotel rooms on location. Traditionally we would have had to output a proof and overnight to their location, but now they can view any revision, at any place and at any time,” Haygood added. D