PA printer Alcom earns G7 status
2010-07-05 09:07  ???:1607

  Alcom recently teamed up with Printing Industries of America (PIA)to attain the qualification and implementation of G7 methodology. G7 enables printers to improve the visual similarity between a proof and printed sheet and between printed sheets from different presses. The method depends primarily on defining and using gray balance to control images.

  Alcom’s assistant chairman and chief operating officer, Douglas Yeager, says, "We're looking for ways to add value to our processes and products, and completing the certification in G7 is one example. Its use will provide customers with the highest level of color consistency possible."

  To become a G7 printer, Alcom required the assistance of a certified expert to verify that the equipment meets the G7 methodology as well as running the company through a strict training program. PIA administered a training program and verified that Alcom’s equipment is capable of meeting the requirements.

  In addition to helping printers achieve G7 qualification and meeting ISO 12647-2 standards, PIA assists printers in setting up procedures and methodology to meet GRACoL guidelines and print specifications. It also tests inks, ensuring they meet the ISO 2846 ink standard, a requirement for both ISO 12647 and G7. Certificates of compliance are provided to companies able to demonstrate that they meet G7 and ISO 12647 specific color management requirements.

  G7 is a registered trademark of IDEAlliance