Address printers save money, boost mail response
2010-07-05 09:05  ???:2215

  Finding ways to save money, improve efficiency and increase direct mailing response rates is high on the agenda of many UK businesses.

  And, according to Neopost that is why it makes good business sense to start using an envelope address printer.

  Neopost said that when sending mailings to clients and prospects companies want to achieve the best possible impact and the highest response rates.

  Address printers allow users to manage their businesses and promotional mailings more efficiently.

  Companies can save time and money by automating the manual process of sticking labels onto envelopes, allowing staff to focus on more productive duties, while achieving a return on investment.

  According to the company printing mailing labels is expensive and time consuming.

  An address printer cuts out the need for buying and stocking expensive labels and the manpower cost of applying the labels by hand onto the envelopes, freeing up staff to focus on more productive tasks.

  Address printers come with a duplicate and inaccurate addressing function, which saves money as the amount of return envelopes received is reduced and duplicates are eliminated.

  Nepost added that it also improves overall response rates.

  Users could also print on thicker documents, such as magazines or newsletters while accessing Royal Mail postage discounts of up to 18.5 per cent.

  It is claimed that an address printer will ensure every envelope is machine readable and the address is positioned according to Royal Mail specifications.

  That is crucial when accessing Royal Mail postal discount programmes.

  Whether for marketing activities or monthly invoices runs, Neopost said that users want mail to be received by customers in the shortest possible time, with no mistakes.

  Address printers ensure maximum speed, accuracy and flexibility for all printing jobs.

  If there is a last minute customer offer that could be printed onto the envelope it could be accommodated with an address printer.

  Neopost believes that a professional and accurately addressed envelope is far more likely to be opened than one that looks dull and is badly addressed or sent in duplicate.

  The company said that an address printer can turn a blank envelope into a powerful business tool.

  Companies could print sales and marketing messages onto the mailing envelope to generate extra revenue by promoting business and targeting customers and prospects effectively.

  Messages could also be changed as often as required in-house, economically and efficiently.

  It is also claimed that an address printer is easy to install without major IT involvement.

  Users could load the plug and play software onto their computers and the system could be running.

  Neopost said that in addition, there is no need to hand a company's database to a third party for mail proccessing.

  All mailings can be handled internally with an address printer allowing companies to manage their customer and prospect databases internally for added security.