2003-2009 the export situation of chinese printing industry
2010-07-01 09:00  ???:2793
Report on Export and Exhibition Work

       speech at the exhibition and export work conference of Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China


April 2, 2010

Demao Wang, Vice Chairman Executive

Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China (PEIAC)


  Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China always attaches great importance to promote export and hold international exhibitions. Export is enterprise’s job.  PEIAC doesn’t get involved in exports directly, but promote exports and help enterprise expand the international market.  The international exhibitions held by PEIAC and overseas shows are the most important way to expand international market and promote exports, also the biggest and the most ideal export business platform.  Based on this understanding, we combine the export work meeting and exhibition work meeting into one and hold the meeting every two years.  Today is the fifth meeting.


Several works improving export

  PEIAC did following major works to help enterprise expand international market:

  1)      To compile the catalogue of printing equipment and material recommended for export.  The first two catalogues were already published, and the third will be published at the beginning of next year, one catalogue will be published every two years in the future.  The website about exports will be launched in May 2010.

  2)      To organize printing equipment and material enterprises to participate in oversea shows, totally 37 times from 1997 to the end of June 2010.  The biggest net area in one exhibition exceeded 2200 square meters, the total show area reached 10300 square meters.

  3)      To hold CHINA PRINT (Beijing international printing technology exhibition, once every four years) and PRINT CHINA (International printing technology exhibition of China (Guangdong), once every four years).  CHINA PRINT and PRINT CHINA attracted thousands of oversea buyers.  Oversea visitors of CHINA PRINT 2009 came from 108 countries and regions, their visiting entries were more than 16,000, taking over 10% of total visiting entries.

  4)      To hold two top international printing forums, ForumCPI and Forum-PT. International forum for the development of printing industry (ForumCPI) is held on the day before opening of CHINA RRINT, the top printing authorities from the world's printing power counties make speeches.  ForumCPI 2005 and ForumCPI 2009 have been held successfully; International forum for the development of printing technology (Forum-PT) is held on the day before opening of PRINT CHINA.  Forum-PT includes 8-10 generally concerned issues and invites the top leaders of the most technologically leading enterprises to make speech.  The second Forum-PT will be held 2011.

  5)      Participating GLOBAL PRINT and ASIA PRINT.  Approved by the State Council, PEIAC participated in the GLOBALPRINT as founding member; Approved by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PEIAC participated in the Federation of Asia Print Exhibition (ASIA PRINT) as founding member, and Demao Wang was elected the first President of ASIA PRINT.  The two international organization already became the most important way we strengthen international links and help enterprises expand international market.

  6)      To hold the international printing information exchange conference (InfoPrint) about December 1 every year.  The thirteenth InfoPrint (InfoPrint 2010) will be held on December 3, 2010 at Beijing Friendship Hotel.

  7)      To jointly organize the China Print Award with Hong Kong Printers Association, Taiwan Printing and Machinery Material Industrial Association and Macao Printers Association once every two years.  China Print Award has already been accomplished two times, the third will be in April next year.  The main purpose holding China Print Award is to showcase printing enterprise’s printing level and ability and help printing enterprise expand international market, to gain more oversea orders by means of China Print Award, website, publication etc., and showing award-winning products on international exhibitions.


Basic information and problems of exports

  Since reform and opening up, China’s printing and printing equipment industry have developed rapidly, and exports increased fast from zero.  Form 1 shows the information of China’s printing equipment and material exports and printing foreign trade processing last seven years.  Impacted by international economic crisis, we can see the export of PS plate, ink, paper, cardboard began to go down in 2008, but the export of printing machinery and CTP plate increased still. In 2009, the export of printing machinery fell by 40%, CTP plate fell by 9.8%.

  Form 1: 2003-2009 the export situation of the main product of printing and printing equipment, material                                                                          









Printing machinery (billion USD)








PS plate (ten million square meters)








CTP plate (million square meters)








Ink (ten thousand ton)








Paper and cardboard (Million ton)








Foreigntrade processing (billion RMB)








  Since economic crisis broke out, China government has adopted a series of effective and significant measures.  China was the first country to improve it’s economic situation and contribute to the world economic recovery. We firmly believe that China’s printing and printing equipment industry will continue to develop rapidly and steadily, exports will also return to the track of rapid and steady increasing.  Jan. to Feb.2010, the printing equipment and material exports increased by 51.77%, comparing with the printing equipment and material exports in Jan. to Feb.2009.  Among them, printing machinery export increased by 59.24%, printing material export increased by 41.95%.


  ●    printing equipment

  China-made printing equipment can not meet domestic demand, the high-grade equipment that printing enterprises are using depends mainly on import, the annual amount of import is about 16 billion USD and account for more than half of domestic printing equipment market.  In recent years, the export of printing equipment increase rapidly, but mainly low and medium-grade equipment, technology content and product price are both low, the amount of export is highest in 2008 and reached 9.81 billion USD, but it is far lower than the amount of import.  We must do our best to improve product quality, reliability and stability, so expand export gradually; We must do our best to improve technology level and increase technology content and product grade, so reach the demand of domestic high-grade printing equipment gradually, and on this basis we can expand export steadily.



  1)      Intellectual property and related infringement, dispute and litigation.  The problem was put forward and discussed in GLOBAL PRINT 2009 meeting, but no result was purposed.

  2)      Price problem. We should avoid vicious competition.

  3)      After-sale service problem.  We must attach importance to it.


  According to customs statistics, the amount of China's annual imports of office printing equipment (printer, duplicator and fax machine) is huge and reaches 48 billion USD, it should raise our serious attention.


  ●    printing material

  China printing material develops rapidly, paper, plate, ink, etc. basically meet domestic demand.  The export increases speedily, especially plate.  We must do our best to improve the technology level, product quality and stability of printing material, to expand international market and export.



  1)      Infringement, dispute and litigation.  We are firmly against of harm to the whole printing industry caused by dispute between two enterprises.  If necessary, PEIAC will negotiate, protest, and even litigate on behalf of the whole printing industry.

  2)      “Anti-dumping”: it would bring heavy losses to the whole industry.  If necessary, PEIAC will suggest increasing the export tax and rebating export tax to the enterprise considering the overall situation.


  ●printing trade processing

The scale of domestic printing market indicates the total demand to printing, the market scale is not determined by printing itself, the competition among printing enterprise have no effect to expand domestic printing market.  In this case that the domestic printing market have been occupied by the all domestic printing enterprises, the China printing enterprises should work hard toward avoiding inside vicious competition, expanding trade processing and increasing international printing market share.  To ensure quality and delivery on time is the most basic and important to printing trade processing.


  PEIAC sets up the pavilion of China presswork in CHINA PRINT 2001, 2005, 2009 and PRINT CHINA 2007, China Print Awards was founded in 2006, and also we always fight for chances to organize the domestic printing enterprises to go aboard to show their presswork.  These activities are intended to provide conditions and chances to extend international market for enterprises.  We need your support and welcome everyone to participate.