Wang Demao:Speech in IPEX
2010-07-01 08:53  ???:1612
Speech in IPEX

The Vice Chairman Executive of PEIAC, Mr. Wang Demao


  Good morning, ladies and gentleman. It’s really my pleasure to attend “CHINA DAY” hosted by the organizer and make a speech here.

  Our association has kept a long cooperation terms with PICON, so does CHINA PRINT and IPEX. PEIAC and PICON joined in the “GLOBAL PRINT”, kept exchanging and supporting each other so as to make a successful show in respectively countries. Since 1998, I have been invited to attend IPEX for 4 times consecutively, and we also succeeded in inviting Mr. John Brazier, the former chairman of PICON, to be present on CHINA PRINT 2001 and CHINA PRINT 2005. On the 1st International Forum for Printing Industry Development (Form-PI 2005), Mr. John Brazier made a wonderful speech on behalf of PICON. On CHINA PRINT 2009, Mr. TIM WEBB attended the show and gave an excellent speech on Forum-PI 2009. For IPEX 2010, we organized more than 70 exhibitors from China which occupy 2230 sq.m. Besides, we also lead hundreds of Chinese visitors from several groups to visit this show. I believe that there would be more exhibitors and visitors from U.K. on the 2nd CHINA GUANGDONG INTERNATIONAL PRINTING TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION (PRINT CHINA 2011)

  Under the impact of global economic crisis, China economy was affected dramatically, however, after carrying out a series of effective policies by the government, the economy of China still increased 8% in spite of global recession. The output value of China Printing Industry increased 7.9% in 2008, 8% in 2009 and predicted to be 10% in this year. For the 7TH BEIJING INTENATIONAL PRINTING TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION (CHINA PRINT 2009), the total show area reached 110,000 sq.m, 20% increase comparing with CHINA PRINT 2005; 1284 exhibitors from home and abroad, 30% higher than last session;162580 visitor entries which also make a new record. China Print 2009 was the “Miracle” under the shadow of global economy recession.

  Print China 2011 will be held on April 9-13 at Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center. It will occupy a total show area of 100,000 sq.m and over 1200 exhibitors will participate, attracting over 120,000 visitors from home and abroad. Forum-PT 2011 will be held on the day before the opening of Print China 2011 at the same place.

  Print China 2011 would be another grand gathering for global printing industry. Welcome to Print China 2011.

  Thank you!