Wuhan Chenming Paper beige dictionary developed
2010-06-23 16:51  ???:1585
  Recently, the successful development of Wuhan Chenming 10 workshop to produce a dictionary 50g beige paper, after adjustment process, dictionary paper color, smoothness and other indicators have reached the technological requirements, which will optimize product structure, promote economic efficiency improve the positive impact.

  10 workshops to produce long-term certificates of compliance and mid-range products are the main light, to further expand the market space, increase economic efficiency of enterprises, the leadership under the instructions of the Group, through scientific argumentation, Wuhan Chenming decided to plant 10 in a paper plant development and production of the dictionary. To ensure that produce successful change, the company Technical Center to fully do preparatory work, held a meeting, study and formulate the production process, and in a lot of Chaopianshiyan Shiyan Shi, while the manufacturing equipment the corresponding transformation.

    At present, the 10 dictionaries workshop production of the first paper, printed by the Beijing Commercial Press test showed good results, product quality to achieve the desired objective.