There's No Dispute: Printex03 Is A Hit
2003-07-21 12:12  ???:1881

Sydney's Big Print & Graphics Show Comes Of Age

Visitors flock to PrintEx03

The halls at Darling Harbour were buzzing from the opening of PrintEx03 at 10.00am on Day One until final close on Day Three at 4.00pm - much to the delight of exhibitors and the presenting associations, Graphic Arts Merchants Association of Australia (GAMAA) and Printing Industries Association of Australia (PIAA).

Their commitment to this "no frills" shell-scheme show was validated by a waiting list of exhibitors, In total, 10,384 registered trade visitors came to the show - which was an increase of 12 percent of the inaugural event in 1999.

Visitor feedback indicated that they appreciated the shell-scheme nature of the event which meant only two Halls to cover, making it easier to get around and identify all the suppliers and re-visit busy stands.

Exhibitors expressed their delight at the quality of visitors, the number from interstate, the broad scope of their interests - and ultimately at the number of sales made and leads they received.

The Chairman of the Board of PrintEx03, Angus Scott, said it was extremely positive to hear of so many sales.

"In a market which we are constantly being told is depressed, it is interesting to examine the reasons for such buoyancy at PrintEx," he said.

"Certainly in the lead-up to major shows such as this, people begin researching their options, often using the show as the final selection decision point. Also, many would have come to PrintEx to either replace, satisfy requirements for a niche opportunity, or to invest in product which will enhance their production capability."

Scott said that all exhibitors he had spoken to had enthusiastically expressed their support for involvement in PrintEx's next show which will take place in 2007.

Chris Segaert, National President, Printing Industries Association of Australia said that PrintEx03 had achieved results beyond expectations.

"It's turned out to be a great success. The exhibitors I've spoken to have been very positive, with many reporting that they have done good business. The true success of the show will be demonstrated, however, when suppliers recoup their investment," he said.

Educational workshops a hit

Attendance at the workshops was enthusiastic with several seminars having standing room only.
Particularly popular were topics relating to colour issues such as Roland DG's and Chromoticity's respective presentations on Colour Management.

Workshop convener, Christine Piper, said there were a number of workshops which also went extremely well including Kodak's Thermal CTP Plate Technology; CPI on Digital Proofing; PIA's Breaking the Broking Myth and Web Dynamics on Web Tension Control.

"And of course, as always, the Adobe presentations on Adobe Indesign and Acrobat 6.0 were extremely popular with the sessions very over-subscribed," said Piper.

PrintEx03 took place in Halls 1 & 2, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour from Thursday 29 May to Saturday 31 May, 2003. The exhibition is presented by Graphic Arts Merchants Association of Australia and the Printing Industries Association of Australia.