Buzz IMC installs first DirectSmile Cross Media suite in India
2010-06-04 17:02  ???:1832

  Buzz IMC (Samgul Graphics), one of the leading players in integrated marketing communications, has commissioned India's first DirectSmile Cross Media marketing suite. DirectSmile provides cross-media marketing that includes e-mail services, personalized URLs, and contact management. As a complete marketing package, it is ideally suited for developing effective CRM campaigns.

  “It has always been our endeavour to provide the most effective communication platforms to our clients, and with personalized direct mailing solutions our client are receiving a tremendous response”, says Sameer Bindra, CEO of Buzz IMC. “Now, as media convergence is the order of the day, we have invested in this new technology. Through DirectSmile Cross Media, our clients can build personalized marketing campaigns for individual customers and initiate engagement through print, internet and telephone. The best part is that marketers can gauge the interest level of every customer during the engagement program and measure the effectiveness of the program."

  "DirectSmile Applications software has been developed by a Germany-based company and is rightly called the software for printing emotions. With the innovative range of one-off applications, the scope for applications is immense in the digital and printing domains", adds Bindra.

  Anuj Mehta, director of Paper Idea and DirectSmile distributor for India, adds: "DirectSmile is not just a personalization software. It becomes an integral part of existing workflows in a harmonious manner, thus complementing the existing work. Cross Media's document solution tools are second to none and have helped Buzz in their daily operations."