The Ceremony for Promulgation of the second China Print Awards
2010-05-12 09:35  ???:1738

  The Ceremony for Promulgation of the second China Print Awards was held in Hong Kong

  The ceremony for promulgation of the second China Print Awards was held on 29th, May 2009 in Hong Kong.  About 300 distinguished guests and leaders from China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were invited to the ceremony, including Wang Demao, chairman of the board of China Print Awards; Li Derong, Lv Jinfa, Mai Zhiquan, members of the board;  Xu Jinfeng, director of organizing committee; Yang Jinxi, Chen Jinyin, Ding Shaoxiong, members of organizing committee; Li Chen, secretary general of organizing committee; Chen Junnian, standing member of Guangdong provincial committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress; Yang Guangrui, deputy director of Guangdong Press and Publication Bureau; Zhao Yingliang, director of Department of Printing and Copy Administration of Guangdong Press and Publication Bureau; Yin Changlong, deputy director of Shenzhen Press and Publication Bureau, and so on.  

  Wang Demao made speech in the ceremony.  On behalf of the board and organizing committee of China Print Awards, he extended hearty gratitude to all distinguished guests firstly.  He said, China Print Awards is sponsored by China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.  The first China Print Awards started in March, 2006, and the ceremony for promulgation was held in 2007 in Shenzhen, China.  Organizing committee collected entries for the second China Print Awards from 2007 to 2008, and the ceremony for promulgation was held successfully in May, 2009 in Hong Kong.  The entries for China Print Awards originally included the works from China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but the works produced by overseas Chinese entered in the second China Print Awards at the request of overseas Chinese printers.  So, the field of entries for China Print Awards has extended on the previous basis.

  Then, Wang Demao talked about the aim to hold China Print Awards.  He explained, the first aim is to carry forward the culture of the Chinese nation.  Last century, Gutenberg's printing technology from Germany was honored as one of top 10 inventions in the second twenty years by western countries.  And China’s movable-type printing was invented by Bi Sheng in 1051, which is hundreds of years earlier then Gutenberg's printing technology.  It is important to carry forward the culture of the Chinese nation, so we sponsored China Print Awards.  The other aim to hold China Print Awards is recommending China’s excellent printing works to international market, and help China’s printing enterprises broaden market.    

  China Print Awards is sponsored by Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China, The Hong Kong Printers Association, Taiwan Printing & Machinery, Material Industry Association and Macao Printing Association, to show technological progress of Chinese printing industry and offer service to Chinese enterprises for broadening overseas market.

  The entries in the competition of the Second China Print Awards covered publishing printing, package printing, newspaper printing, digital printing, label printing and screen printing.  Quite numbers of entries are innovative.  The judging work lasted from 27th to 29th, March 2009 in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China.  Five printing experts from China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan judged all entries through first, second and final stages for appraisement.  The process unfurled the principle of openness, fairness and justice.  At last, 192 entries won the prizes.  There are 1 fullCcourt award, 28 golden medals, 31 silver medals, 36 bronze medals, 92 prizes of excellence and 4 awards of innovation on printing technology and craft recommended by judge committee.  The full-court award was Picture of Forty Scenes in Yuan Ming Yuan produced by Beijing Printing Technology Institute.