Fujifilm presents improved Pro-T plate
2009-08-12 10:47  ???:1415

    Fujifilm has developed what it claims is an improved version of its processless Pro-T plate.

    The Brillia HD Pro-T2 has the same specifications as its predecessor, Pro-T, but the new coating improves its on-press performance and imaging latitude, said Fujifilm.

    The improvements include better performance across a wider range of conditions, faster start-up with fewer sheets required to run-up to copy, a harder-wearing coating for easier handling and wider imaging tolerances to improve compatibility with the latest platesetters.

    Brillia HD Pro-T2 provides 120mJ/cm2 sensitivity and a resolution of one to 99 per cent at 200 lines per inch conventional, and 300 lines per inch hybrid, together with 20 micron FM screening and a run length of 100,000.