Xerox Announces Agenda for Print 09
2009-08-03 09:26  ???:1166

    The state of the economy is the headline of 2009 and Xerox Corporation is poised to address the challenges facing print providers head on at Print 09 C with the right mix of innovation, proven hardware technology, software and services to help attendees not only survive this recession but be ready to grow and succeed as the economy improves.
    Xerox’s booth, one of the largest at 28,000 square feet, will highlight customer applications, and will showcase what’s ahead in automated packaging, dual-engine color presses, continuous feed and wide format.
    “Exhibitors that feature running equipment at Print 09 provide attendees exactly what they want C to see new technology producing real jobs,” said Ralph Nappi, president, Graphic Arts Show Company, host of this leading graphic communications trade show.
    Print 09 attendees are also invited to attend Xerox’s Real Business Live! event starring the MythBusters on Monday, Sept. 14 at 8:30 a.m. in the main ballroom at McCormick Place, Chicago.  Xerox scientists and innovators from the company’s research labs will bust popular graphic communications myths and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.  
    Joining newly-appointed Xerox CEO Ursula Burns will be guest stars Kari Byron, Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci of the MythBusters Build Team from the popular Discovery Channel television show.  They will share behind-the-scenes experiences and discuss how they go about busting some unusual myths.
    The event, which includes a light breakfast, is co-sponsored by OutputLinks and Xerox Business Partners Adobe Systems Incorporated, Avanti Computer Systems Limited, CGS Publishing Technologies, C.P. Bourg, Creo, EFI, and Rochester Software Associates.  
    With its Real Business Live! booth theme, Xerox will offer:

    - Free consulting services C industry analysts and Xerox executives will be available to discuss topics ranging from developing a marketing strategy, creating a “green” plan or improving digital pricing strategies.

    Customer applications produced live in booth C more than 15 actual customer applications will be produced live on the show floor, including direct-marketing pieces, high-end collateral, photo books and transpromotional documents.  The applications and their ROI impact will be featured in a case study booklet available at the show.

    - Real Business Live! Theater and Application Hubs C short and to-the-point, these business relevant presentations will combine industry expertise and application demonstrations, covering topics such as profit generating print jobs, increasing automation and 1:1 marketing. Daily customer panels will also be offered.

    - Real Business Live! Box Lunch Series C Dr. Joe Webb, director of WhatTheyThink's Economics and Research Center, kicks off the series on Friday, Sept. 11, followed by Frank Romano, administrative chair of RIT's School of Printing Management and Sciences, on Monday, Sept. 14.  Both will discuss the future of the print industry and issues foremost on the minds of print service providers.  On Tuesday, Sept. 15, the series will focus on photo market opportunities.  
    “Xerox’s presence at Print 09 demonstrates our commitment to the graphic communications market C providing innovative technology, tangible business development support and educational opportunities designed to help print providers be ready for success as the economy rebounds,” said Eric Armour, president, Global Business and Strategic Marketing Group, Xerox Corporation.