Fuji's XMF Remote hits the shelves
2009-07-28 14:48  ???:1342

    Fujifilm has announced the commercial availability of its XMF Remote online job submission portal and soft-proofing module for its XMF cross-media workflow.

    Fuji said that printers could use XMF Remote to expand the range of online services they offer their clients, including the ability for clients to preflight and submit jobs online.

    John Davies, workflow business manager for Fujifilm Europe, said: "Increasingly, online job submission is high on a printer's wish list when looking for a new workflow solution as it allows much greater interaction with the customer and can make the whole process much more efficient, saving time and ultimately money. If you can get print-ready jobs coming in, you can get more work through the business."

    Once jobs are in production, XMF Remote allows clients to view the ripped pages online, where they can annotate and approve them and also receive real-time notification of the job status.

    The module is available from £15,000 as part of the XMF suite.