UK 'well above' European average for recovered paper collection
2009-07-09 09:21  ???:1777

  The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has said the UK has "cemented the position" of its recovered paper collection to "well above" the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) average.

  Of the 11.44m tonnes of unconverted paper and board products consumed in the UK last year, some 8.77m tonnes were recovered C a total of 77% C which is well above the CEPI average of 67%.

  However, CPI warned the volume recovered may decline in 2009 as the consumption of products slows in the economic climate.

  Peter Seggie, CPI's recovered paper sector manager, said the figures confirmed the continued development of recovered paper collection in the UK in comparison to the rest of Europe.

  He said: "The UK is in a rather unique position in Europe with increasing collections of recovered paper but a shrinking domestic recycling capacity.

  "This means domestically we only recycle 35% of what we consume against a CEPI average of 55%. This is mainly due to the huge imbalance between UK paper and board consumption and UK production."

  The CPI represents papermakers and recovered paper merchants.