Former Dsicmm execs team up with CYC Logistics and Distribution to form P2P Mailing venture
2009-04-30 09:11  ???:1667

  A group of former Dsicmm directors and managers has come together to set up P2P Mailing in a joint venture with CYC Logistics and Distribution.

  P2P's management team comprises former Dsicmm postal operations director Ian Dowie, sales director Paul Galpin, mailing distribution manager Andy Lee and general operations manager Dennis Marshall.

  The new company, which is 60% owned by the management team, is based out of CYC's South East London site, which includes a large mailing facility.

  Galpin, managing director of P2P, said: "What we have here is a full service mailing house solution, we have pick and pack, we have fulfilment, we have lasering, we have sorting facilities.

  "We also have within CYC a print management capability, so we can source digital and litho, we can source artwork, all that sort of stuff, so we really do climb all the way up the value chain."

  P2P specialises in channeling mailings from its customers into different postal service providers for export out of the UK.

  "It's a bit of a minefield for clients so all we're trying to do is offer an objective and impartial service," said Galpin.

  "These days, more and more of the traditional mailing houses and consolidators operating in the UK have been bought by postal service providers and therefore they lose their objectivity because then all of a sudden they're heavily biased towards whoever happens to own them."