CONPRINTA demonstrates outstanding printing quality on IMD system
2008-12-11 14:39  ???:2367

  CONPRINTA recently proved its system’s exceptional printing characteristics in course of a comprehensive customer due diligence on its Conprinta-IMD system.

  Since year 2000 the Korean customer successfully operates a 2.2 m wide Cobden Chadwick CI-press producing a significant amount of preprinted liner annually (press configuration being 6 colours plus varnish). The Korean print market currently meets challenging print accuracy demands imposed by the domestic beverage industry and, therefore, CONPRINTA was asked to perform printing trials of a particularly difficult print, namely small E-fluted sixpacks for 0.5 litre beverage bottles (one sixpack box is 49 cm by 37 cm blank size, the printed web is utilized by 3 outs and 3 ups, 6 colours plus varnish and, most importantly, a net print registration of better than +/-0.15mm absolutely required).

  In two steps CONPRINTA assured that the highest market demands on flexo print accuracy can be met with its newest 2.5 m wide IMD system:

  First, the requested samples were printed on an 8-colour Conprinta-IMD system by a German CONPRINTA client. Paper substrate and ink were provided directly from Korea. Prints were made on 180 and 240 g coated recycled liner.

  In the second step the trials were repeated on a 10-colour Conprinta-IMD system operated at a Canadian CONPRINTA client, also resulting in a superb printing quality, using identical printing stereos, Korean paper substrate and local ink.

  The Korean customer, who had eye-witnessed the latter of both trials, was impressed by all results. His expectations with regard to quality and flexibility of the Conprinta-IMD were much exceeded. In a statement he accredited the Conprinta-IMD a “best practise” status for web flexo printing with superior benefits for competing inside the Korean corrugated box market.