Recycled T-Shirts
2008-11-20 09:15  ???:1334

  The retail T-shirt industry (as opposed to the T-shirt  manufacturing industry) is beginning to follow the lead of many other markets in regards to environmental issues and the responsibility to help reduce their impact on the future of our environment. Apart from the positive publicity recycled T-shirt companies have gotten over the last year it also makes great economic sense for everyone concerned. The economic and environmental cost of raw materials continues to rise. No matter if it is the oil crisis, ongoing natural disasters, levies on pollutants, war, or the growing demand from developing countries, more T-shirt  companies are turning the tables and making positive gains both in public credibility and price, by recycling or reclaiming cotton for T-shirts and promoting this as a key selling point to their customers.

  Recycled T-shirts fall into two main categories:

  1. Recycled materials C Currently, technologies exist to make new cotton yarn from fabric trimmings, mills ends and second-hand cotton, and even recycled plastic bottles for a nylon mix. The process involves cleaning, shredding and blending fibers together to create an extremely environmentally friendly alternative to mass cultivation of cotton crops.

  2. Used and/or refashioned T-shirts C This has been something that has traditionally been looked down upon until very recently. It is now fashionable amongst those seeking either environmental cachet, and/or the vintage T-shirt collectors market, which is still in its infancy right now. Of the different groups involved, many are now getting in on the game, including designers, charities, retailers and even some manufacturers who see the cost advantages in mass production of recycled products. Recently an article I read reported a massive increase in both demand and profits generated by landfill mining ventures, I am sure this is a worldwide phenomenon, considering the steep rises in basic material costs. For the main part this involves siphoning off methane as a power source and reclaiming plastics, paper, and scrap metals for sale on the commodities markets. Recycling is becoming very big business - at last!

  Even celebrities are getting in on the action. On his recent tour, country music star Keith Urban ensured his fans that all of his merchandise was manufactured with reclaimed and recycled plastic bottles.

  Plus of course the corporations are getting in on the act, including Coca-Cola, one of the main culprits in the mass production and consumption of bottled drinks. They offer a rather uninspiring range at their Coca-Cola store. Adidas is also offering recycled cotton T-shirts now.

  There are many popular recycled cotton T-shirt companies online so you can easily do some research and find information that will give you who’s who in the online world of T-shirts. Why not check them out and help the earth, snap up a bargain, pay back some karma, and if you’re lucky, make an investment for the future. Here are some I found:

  AnvilKnitwear.com offers a great range of recycled organic tees.

  ClothesMadeFromScrap.com - Made From Scrap, Inc. is a company that is committed to protecting the environment. They manufacture and market a line of clothing and accessories made from recycled plastic soda bottles and reclaimed cotton.

  Eco-Gear.ca - A Canadian-based company that creates an organic fair trade low carbon footprint T-shirt ‘Ecofabric’ made from the leftover cuttings of local clothing factories.

  Recycled.ca - Offers wholesale 100% recycled tees (in white or gray). Again they use 50% “Green” Spun Plastic Yarn, made from recycled clear plastic pop (soda) bottles, and 50% Post-industrial Cotton Fiber (scraps).

  100PercentGreenTee.com - Deborah Daly, President/CEO of Sales Away Inc. and 100% Green Tee supplies T-shirts to many Fortune 500 companies printing their corporate apparel. The company is certified by Santa Clara County, California as a “Green Business”. Their recycled T-shirts are “50% Recycled Plastic Beverage Container and 50% Recycled Cotton”.