Construction Start for New Office Building
2008-03-24 10:02  ???:1352

  With the ground-breaking ceremony, the Executive Board, Works Council, project manager and architect gave the official go-ahead for the construction work on the new MAN Roland office building in Augsburg. As of 2009, approximately 600 employees will move into their new workplace.

  Construction of the office building from MAN Roland has been underway since 25 February. The five-storey add-on will be perfectly integrated into the existing building ensemble on the premises. The office concept is primarily based on communicative open-plan offices and versatile conference areas. In the future, a direct connection will exist from the add-on to the production halls and workshops. “With this concept, we foster internal communication, while strengthening contact between administration and production as a result of the direct proximity,” explains Franz Gumpp, Director of Technical Services and Implementation Planning at MAN Roland, pointing out the advantages for the employees.

  Energy-saving building services

  In constructing the office building, MAN Roland places particular emphasis on compliance with the latest environmental standards. An energy-saving cooling system in the form of a cooling ceiling, as well as a ventilation system with cooled air-intake, will be installed on every storey to meet these standards. Water pipes integrated into the ceilings provide for comfortable temperatures both in summer and winter. The water necessary for the cooling will be drawn from the nearby brook (the Senkelbach) and returned after use.

  MAN Roland also consistently implements state-of-the-art standards for heat insulation. The sunscreens fixed to the exterior of the façade block the heat. “All windows and the complete façade, as well as the roof, fulfil the current heat insulation standards according to the latest energy-saving regulations,” emphasises Franz Gumpp. “An ‘energy pass’ will be issued for the new building complex.”

  According to MAN Roland, the construction costs will amount to a low eight-figure sum (euros).

(Smiling faces at the ground-breaking ceremony for the office building at the premises in Augsburg (from left): Gerd Finkbeiner, Chairman of the Executive Board, Jürgen Bänsch, Chairman of the Works Council, Paul Steidle, Member of the Executive Board, Dr. Ingo Koch, Member of the Executive Board, Thomas Hauser, Vice President Corporate Marketing and Communications, Jürgen Heim, project manager, Franz Gumpp, Director of Technical Services and Factory Planning, and architect Klaus Einfalt)