2008-02-01 08:59  ???:1473

  Care Graphic Machinery based in Wakefield had the details of its Komori 428 cloned from its website in January 2007. As a result, the company now watermarks photos of machines it places online. “They sent an email to us advertising our own machine, that’s how stupid these people are. They just send an email to everybody,” says Stephen Hill, sales director at Care Graphic Machinery. It sent the details onto the police and to BUPMSA. Although fraudsters haven’t financially stung the company, it receives scam emails frequently.

  “It will usually be to purchase a one- or two-colour press with a false name,” adds Hill. “When you send them a proforma invoice, the payment is made on the same day. For a £50,000 machine they will send a £75,000 cheque and ask you to pay back the difference to a foreign account number. Because the cheque has probably been paid into a branch, it appears as if your account has been credited, so most people will just send the extra £25,000. We get calls from buyers asking us to check out a machine for them that has been advertised in an email at about 30%-40% less than the actual market price. We always advise them not to pay any money, that it’s fraud, but people are desperate not to lose a machine offered at an attractive price.”