中景 PZ2660E四开双色胶印机
2013-12-26 15:56  ???:9125


  • 下摆式前规、下摆式递纸手及前传纸滚筒组成的递纸机构保证纸张有充分的定位的时间,及高速走纸的稳定性。The transfer system consists of the swing-down front lay, the swing-down gripper and transfer cylinder, which ensures adequate positioning time and stability of paper delivery with high-speed.
  • 倍径压印滚筒及倍径传纸滚筒组成的印刷系统,有利于厚纸和纸板的印刷;同时减少纸张的交接次数,有利于准确套印。The impression cylinder and transfer drum are each double diameter, which reduce the times of sheet take-over between print units.
  • 集中控制的直流电动拉版控制的三个方向(周向、轴向、斜向)的装版误差,可方便快捷的校准四色印版,减少印刷辅助时间。The plate cylinder can be adjusted in the circumferential direction, lateral direction and diagonal direction.
  • 气动控制的单套离合压系统,离合压可靠,滚筒间离让值小,压力平稳,调压方便。 The application of pneumatic technology to the press is one of the press characteristics. Air cylinder for water form roller throw-off mechanism and air cylinder for ink form roller throw-off mechanism are accomplished with Pneumatically-operated valves.
  • 五辊结构,窜动的中间辊组成的酒精润湿系统,有效减少鬼影产生,水墨平衡快,减少过版纸的用量。 There are five rollers on the plate cylinder. There is an intermediate roller in Alcoholic damping system, which eliminate the “ghost” image, achieve the quick ink-water balance and reduce paper consumption.
  • 快速定位、夹紧的版夹结构,四色装版定位可靠,装版、校版时间短。The plate is mounted by using the register pin arrangement, which can shorten time of install and check plates.
  • 由21个分区组成的遥控墨斗,通过主控制台触摸屏进行调整,具有墨量预置和作业存储办能,可方便地调取相关印品资料,快速进入印刷状态。There are 21 zones in split (staggered) ductor. The press memory or job memory card (disk) contains the current job. Changes and settings made to the current job are transferred to the press. While in printing mode, you can enter the presetting values for next job into the press memory or stored to a disk.
  • 传动侧采用雨淋式润滑系统,对高速运转的齿轮进行润滑的同时并带走齿轮啮合时的热量,有效提高机器使用寿命。并能在油泵无油或油压不够时自动报警。 There is an special lubrication system on the driven side, which can lubricate gear in high-speed running and take away the heat when the gears mesh, and can send auto-alarm signal when there is not enough oil in pump.