中景 PZ1660E四开单色胶印机
2013-12-26 15:57  ???:11397


  1. 传动系统采用先进的变频调速系统,主电机选用4kw三相交流感应电动机。正、反点动、运行、定速、和制动等功能全部由变频器承担,性能稳定可靠,变频器内的电子热继电器负责电机过载保护 。The Driven system is equipped with Advanced Frequency Speed-regulating System. Thefunctions of forwards, backwards, low-speed run, constant velocity and braking are controlled by frequency converter. And the main motor is 4Kw Three-phase AC induction motor. ETR (Electronic Thermal Relay) protect motors from overload.
  2. 控制电路采用了可编程序控制器(PLC)自动程序操作和电子前沿准纸控制,按“给纸”按钮后,机器自动按操作程序进行工作,自动判断印刷过程中出现双张、空张或歪张故障。 Control circuit is controlled by PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) and Electronic sheet alignment control. When pressing the button FEED, the press is running automatically according to procedures, and inspect if there are double sheets, no sheets and distorted sheets or not automatically.
  3. 偏心上摆式递纸机构采用了共轭凸轮和恒力装置,保证了纸张传递平稳、准确、可靠。Eccentric Swing-up gripper transfer system is equipped with the conjugate cam and the constant force device, which ensures to transfer sheets stably, accurately and reliably.
  4. 着墨辊、着水辊的压力调节采用蜗杆、蜗轮偏心结构,调节范围大,操作方便。 The pressure of Ink form rollers and water form rollers is adjusted by eccentric structure of worm and worm wheel, because of convenient operation.
  5. 印版滚筒装有快速夹版装置,印版装拆方便、迅速。 The plate cylinder is equipped with a quick-action plate clamping system. It is easier and more convenient to install and remove plates.
  6. 机器上的凸轮采用计算机优化设计,数控铣削和磨削加工而成,凸轮轮廓线合理,加工精度高,机构运转平稳、噪音低。The cams are designed and optimized through computer and machined on the NC machine tools.
  7. 主机上设有定点、定时、定量、自动集中润滑系统。 The press is equipped with automatic centralized lubrication system of fixed point, fixed time and fixed quantity.
  8. 配置有先进的干扰(故障)自动诊断显示,有利于寻找干扰源并及时排除。 The interferences (faults) display on the control console. It is easier for operator to detect the interferences (faults) sources.
  9. 旋转式分气阀具有国家专利技术的自动清除纸屑、灰尘的功能。 The feeder head is equipped with the patented rotary air distributing valve to clean the lint and dust out automatically.