2007-04-27 09:22  ???:1476

  • On the back of a recovering printing industry, 2006 was a good year for digital colour print device sales. Sales in the UK increased by over 14% to more than 8,100 units sold, in comparison to a 10% growth rate for Western Europe as a whole. This contrasts to 2005, when the market practically remained at a standstill

  • Installation numbers for professional service providers pale in comparison to the colour capacity sold into office markets. About 200,000 colour copiers were sold into offices last year in Europe

  • High-speed black and white printer sales declined as demand shifted massively to colour. As average printing speeds increase, fewer devices are needed to perform the same amount of work

  • Within the colour market, light production devices were the big winners in 2006. For many applications, they offer sufficient production capabilities at a very low price. Copier-type devices account for the majority of orders

  • Sales of high-volume colour printers stagnated in 2006, but high-end production printer introductions have been rare recently. New products hitting
the market in 2007 should boost the demand

  • Canon is expected to launch its long-awaited ImagePress C7000VP in 2007. There should also be new and interesting product offerings from vendors including Kodak
and Xerox

  • It may seem as if the Drupa 2008 product rush is starting a little prematurely, but a four-year cycle of product introductions is far too slow for a fast-moving market such as digital print