Manroland Offenbach returns to normal hours as orders "fly in"
2011-07-01 10:26  ???:2037

  Employees at press manufacturer Manroland's Offenbach facility have returned to normal hours after almost three years of short-time working.
  According to UK managing director Norman Revill, the change, which he said would have no direct bearing on the UK, has come after order volumes returned to the sheetfed factory.

  He said: They [orders] are flying in, many of them from the BRIC countries; it is all hands back to the deck. Although it doesn't affect us, it's obviously a very positive move for Manroland."

  Employees at the facility were working on reduced hours as part of a restructuring process to bring the company in line with an industry suffering several years of tepid demand. The company has also made a number of redundancies over the past few years across the globe.

  Normal hours will return from tomorrow (1 July) with the company claiming that is has had a "significantly improved" economic situation in the first two quarters of 2011.

  Markus Rall, member of the executive board, sheetfed printing systems business sector and production, said: "Putting an end to short-time work sets a clear signal that we are moving ahead.

  "Our internal measures have proven to be effective; coupled with a strong market performance; this allows us to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead with much greater optimism