Sappi Fine Paper North America Launches The Environmental Quotient Blog
2011-06-10 15:06  ???:1898

  Sappi Fine Paper North America (SFPNA) today announced the launch of a new blog, The Environmental Quotient, authored by Laura Thompson, PhD, Director of Sustainability for SFPNA.

  “Our hope is that The Environmental Quotient will emerge as the go-to place for up-to-the-minute issues around sustainability in the paper industry. We encourage our customers, suppliers, employees, environmental NGOs and members of our local communities to share their expertise and ideas,” said Thompson. “We will be covering some of the most vital topics including challenges related to eco-labeling, sustainable forestry, renewable energy, transparency in reporting, life cycle analysis and more.”

  The Environmental Quotient is just the most recent demonstration of SFPNA’s commitment to immediate, transparent and candid communication of the important environmental issues within the paper industry. The online eQ tool, which assists paper buyers in making informed decisions on the environmental impact of their paper selection, is now hosted on the eQ Microsite. In addition to the blog, the eQ Microsite offers white papers on topics such as the best use of recycled fiber and a host of sustainability videos presenting an inside look into the notable initiatives being undertaken by Sappi. “Whether the initiative is based at one of Sappi’s three paper mills or is at the corporate level to improve the communities where our employees live and work, Sappi is excited to share its sustainability story with a larger audience,” said Thompson.